Updates can sometimes log you out of the app, thus making it seem like purchases are missing, or removed from your account. Photofy will never make you pay more than once for something you have purchased, unless it's a recurring subscription.
Please take the following steps to access your previous purchases.
Please make sure that you are logged into your app. If you tap the menu in the top left, your email address should appear towards the top. If it IS NOT there, please sign in.
Once you are logged in, please continue down the menu to Settings, and then Refresh App. This should clear the cache and bring things back. If this doesn't work, one last thing to try is restoring your purchases. please tap on the menu, then purchases, and the blue button that says restore purchases.
If none of these options resolve the issue, please contact us and let us know what you are missing. Please send proof of purchase with your email to expedite the process!