We are so excited to be able to partner with Norwex to offer you these awesome tools to help you market your Norwex Business!
Subscribing is very simple, and at no cost to Norwex Consultants who have an Office Suite Membership!
Here's how you can gain access to the Norwex+Photofy Pro Tools:
a. Go to https://norwex.photofy.com
b. Scroll down to Get Started Button.
c. Fill out all credentials and you should get a text link to download the Photofy App. If not, you can download the app from your device's app store.
d. Sign-in to the app using your Norwex email address and password given in text. If you already have a Photofy account with that email, use your current password. If the password does not work, please use the "Forgot Password" link to reset your password.
e. Once logged in, you will be ask to fill in some information. This information allows us to automatically fill in your information in the graphics you create.
f. Enjoy your Norwex+Photofy Pro account!